

PhD Chiara Moriconi La Sapienza Roma                                                                                   Academics



  1. PhD Researcher in English Literature, at La Sapienza University in Rome.
  2. Chiara Moriconi La Sapienza Roma

Project: ("Keats and the Tradition of Romance")

  1. Master's Degree in Literary Translation, at La Sapienza University in Rome.
  2. Chiara Moriconi La Sapienza Roma

Grade: 110 cum laude/110
supervisor: prof. Donatella Montini
co-supervisor: prof. Irene Ranzato
title: “Manus Animam pinxit”: Intersemiotic Translation and Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Double-Works-of-Art

Summary: Summary: the project intends to shed light on the interferences between painting and poetry in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's art. The Rossettian double work of art is studied in light of the most important contributions to the contemporary debate on intersemiotic translation. The thesis features an overview of Ruskin and Pater's theories about the connection between the arts.

  1. Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures, at Roma Tre University.
  2. Chiara Moriconi Roma Tre

Grade: 110 cum laude/110
supervisor: prof. Gilberto Sacerdoti
title: “Romanzi sciocchi di signore romanziere”: un saggio di George Eliot.

Summary: A translation of George Eliot's essay "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists".


  1. Dante’s Dream: Rossetti’s Reading of the Vita Nuova Through the Lens of a Double Translation.

"Nordic Journal of English Studies", Vol.13 N°4 (2014):
the Nordic Journal of English Studies (NJES) is associated with the Nordic Association of English Studies and is published two to three times a year. NJES publishes articles on the English language and literatures in English.

  1. Romanzi sciocchi di signore romanziere.

Apice Libri, Sesto Fiorentino (2014):
Translation of George Eliot's "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists"
Introduction by Gilberto Sacerdoti
Translation by Chiara Moriconi
collection: marginalia, 1
pages: 92, with illustrations
isbn: 978-88-906198-2-3

  1. Cuadernos de Filologia Italiana.

"Status Quaestionis", n°3:
Magazine of literary, linguistic and interdisciplinary studies - University La Sapienza of Rome.
(set language to: Italian, for a full displays of contents).

  1. Gli esordi preraffaelliti di Dante Gabriel Rossetti: “Mary’s Girlhood” e The Girlhood of Mary Virgin.

"Between", vol.2 n°4:
International journal of the Association for Comparative Theory and History of Literature.

  1. Dante Gabriel Rossetti e Walter Pater: per un’estetica vittoriana.

"Status Quaestionis", n°1:
Magazine of literary, linguistic and interdisciplinary studies - University La Sapienza of Rome.
(set language to: Italian, for a full displays of contents).

Other Activities

  1. Advanced Training Course “Traduzione e multiculturalità”.
  2. Chiara Moriconi Centro Europeo di Studi Rossettiani

Organized by “Centro Europeo di Studi Rossettiani”, Palazzo d’Avalos, Vasto (CH)

  1. Advanced Training Course “I Rossetti e l'Italia”.
  2. Chiara Moriconi Centro Europeo di Studi Rossettiani

Organized by “Centro Europeo di Studi Rossettiani”, Palazzo d’Avalos, Vasto (CH)

  1. Internship done at Accademia Angelica Costantiniana di Lettere, Arti e Scienze.
  2. Chiara Moriconi Accademia Angelica Costantiniana

duration: 150 h.
work done: full translation of the English text "Icons of Cyprus", (Athanasios Papageorgiou)


books PhD Chiara Moriconi La Sapienza Roma

Chiara Moriconi



" John Keats’s Early Poems, 1814-1817 ".

31 October 2014 at the KEATS-SHELLEY HOUSE, Rome.
An Academic Seminar organized by the Keats-Shelley Memorial Association and the Keats Foundation, and supported by the British School at Rome.

My paper:
“I Must Tell a Tale of Chivalry”: Keats’s Early Reading of Spenser in ‘Specimen of an Introduction to a Poem’.

" John Keats and his Circle ".

02-04 May 2014 at Keats House, Hampstead, London.
Organized by The Keats Foundation.

My paper:
“Isabella; or the Pot of Basil”: Keats, Boccaccio and the "Gentleness of Old Romance".

" Discovering the Italian Trecento in the Nineteenth Century ".

01 March and 16 November 2013, London and Venice.
Organised by the Collecting and Display Seminar Group at the Institute of Historical Research and John Law, Swansea University in collaboration with the National Gallery, the Wallace Collection and the University of Warwick.

My paper:
Dante Gabriel Rossetti's "Salutation of Beatrice": Tradition as Translation.

" Opificio 2013: Le Attese ".

23 Maggio 2013, nell’Aula Magna Piovani del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Napoli Federico II.
Ogni eutopia realizzata che si rispetti, se necessita di una bottega con un capo artigiano in grado di trasmettere l’esperienza e di testare i «ferri del mestiere», trova però il suo centro di irradiazione e forse anche la sua ragion d’essere in un opificio, in un luogo, cioè, dove si fa un’opera; e dove la materia – nel nostro caso, i testi della letteratura e delle arti – viene trattata secondo i principi della divisione del lavoro.
L’Opificio di teoria della letteratura giunge così al consueto appuntamento con la Fondazione Premio Napoli.
(Eutopia | Opificio)